Hello, people!πŸ™πŸΌ

This is my first time trying to write blogs. I was extremely confused on what to write in my blogs, I had few ideas on my mind but was not quite sure. So I decided to write them all each time I write this blog. 

I feel a short introduction about who I am, where I come from, what I do, blah, blah, and blah, is necessary. 

I am Meghashree Anantha. I live in Bengaluru (formerly known as Bangalore), for those of you who don't know where Bengaluru is, it is a city in Karnataka which is a state in India. Bengaluru is Paradise on Earth for those who learn to love this city.  

I am a Bharatanatyam dancer. I love this art form. When someone asks me why I love Bharatanatyam or just dancing, I do not have an answer to give them. It's not because I am dumbπŸ™ƒ it's because I can't describe my love for dance in mere words😌 

I absolutely love doing things that excites me, builds up some kind of curiosity in me. I try everything that is possible by me with interest, fun, love, and determination. I believe that one can do anything if they have the will to do it. Reading, drawing, singing, dancing are some of the things I regularly do out of the many things I am capable of doing . Apart from this I love growing plants, identifying them and knowing their medicinal uses. Basically I am a plant enthusiast. So if you're confused which plant you are growing I am one email away!πŸ™‚ You will find my email address belowπŸ˜„  also love traveling, this is something that gives me a sense of warmth. Learning a completely different language is one of the many things I like.  This is me!πŸ™ƒ

What you can expect in my blogs?

Musings from my daily life.πŸ˜‡

When will I be posting my blogs?

I am not sure but I will try to update my blog as frequently as possible.✌️

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